We work with dedicated grassroots organizations to identify conditions creating barriers to education for orphans and vulnerable children to provide sustainable initiatives that are focused on local resources to address the issues. Overwhelmingly, they request education for their children to create a path for a better future. Instead of bringing solutions with us to these communities, we work closely with community members to design programs to meet their specific needs. Our initiatives are based on their feedback to improve education for orphans and vulnerable children. Whenever possible, we employ and use local resources to help the local economy. All our projects are designed to be sustainable while mindful of recycling and producing minimal negative impact on the local and world environment.


Connecting Students via Webcast

school children in africa

The Pangaea Project is designed to connect students in the United States to students in poor countries bringing them closer together through education, interaction, and shared experiences. This global community service project has been beneficial to all the students. Learn more

School Uniform Program

support orphan child generis international

The uniform program provides school uniforms for orphans and vulnerable children giving them an opportunity to attend school. Whenever possible we purchase materials locally, grant a sewing machine to women caring for orphans, and start their business by paying them to make the uniforms. Learn more 

Light to Read

The Light to Read program provides literacy education for women and young girls caring for orphans. In rural areas where there is no electricity we provide solar lights to give them the ability to study at night. The program teaches reading, writing, and arithmetic. After enrollment, the women in the program receive money to invest as a group. When these women can read with the children in their care, they foster a lifelong love of reading and education. Learn more

School Building Projects

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We are proud to partner with rural African communities to complete school building projects when the amount of students
has exceeded the capacity of the current building and the teachers are holding classes outside. To learn more click here